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21-Day No Sugar Challenge

Updated: Sep 3, 2019

I admit that I have a sweet tooth. I will never say NO to a dessert buffet nor a simple, tiny sweet-tasting thing. If I am Juliet, "sweets" is my Romeo. I am blindly in love and can't live without it!

However, too much of something is bad enough. I have reached into a point in fighting with my own self for health reasons. There is no denial that sweets are still heaven to me but a healthy lifestyle is my current priority.

Image taken from Dawsons Life lifestyle blog. published a wonderful guide on how to do this daily in a fun way possible. The article explains the benefits of quitting sugar, detox plan and recap. Very informative, really convincing and I am up for it!

If you fancy to join me, here is the daily guide.

Day 1: Why are you doing this challenge?

Day 2: Get rid of any sweet temptations in your kitchen and fridge.

Day 3: Enjoy a healthy beverage today.

Day 4: Keep track of how many glasses of water you've had.

Day 5: Stay active today - walk, bike ride, dance class, squats, etc.

Day 6: Have a healthy, no-sugar meal today.

Day 7: One week of sugar detox. Any cravings? Explain you're feeling.

Day 8: Going into the second week. Share a motivational quote.

Day 9: Prepare a meal ahead of time for the week.

Day10: What did you eat for breakfast?

Day11: Mid-challenge fridge and kitchen check-in.

Day12: Go for a walk, take the stairs or 15-minute workout.

Day13: Have a healthy sugar-free dinner.

Day14: Prepare a meal ahead of time for the week.

Day15: Remind yourself of someone who inspires you to live your happiest and healthiest life.

Day16: No-sugar sweet treats.

Day17: Read an article regarding Day2.

Day18: How are you doing?

Day19: Go for a walk, take the stairs or 15-minute workout.

Day20: What is your favorite sugar-free meal?

Day21: Pat yourself on the back and post a final recap of how you feel at the end of this challenge.

Are you ready? Glauce's 21-Day No Sugar Challenge will start on 18th August 2019! One day at a time and let us see how will this end!

Wish me luck!

Send me your support through comments!

- glauce

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